What is happening?

Hola everyone.

Soooo, first of all. Did you notice the change of the design? I know it’s not that much, just the colors and the fond but I really really like it. I think it’s simple and refreshing. Also, I love the colorful streets of Copenhagen, as you can see in the header. Oh and besides that, the blog domain is working and I couldn’t be happier. It’s so strange to have my own little website now, but the good kind of it.


Anyways, I’m really happy with everything and just wanted to inform you guys about the things I’m up to next week. So, as many of you probably know, I am attending the Berlin Fashion Week next week. And yes, that’s freaking unbelievable, I KNOW. And it’s already starting on Monday, with a conference by a magazine and – and now hold your horses –  VOGUE. I am going crazy, not even kidding. The editor-in-chief of the german Vogue, Christiane Arp, will be there too. I seriously can’t believe this is happening. And I’m so excited. To be there. To see all of these cool people and journalists and designers. And to learn and experience what it feels like to work in this field, the field I want to call mine when I’m older. Holy moly.


Unfortunately I will have to come back from my fashion heaven on Friday again and I’m really sorry but this will be the first time you’ll hear something from me again from today on. I know, why the hell am I doing that? I know this is very exciting and not just for me, but the internet situation is really complicated here in Berlin for me and I won’t get back to my office before Friday so keeping you posted is close to be ing impossible. But please don’t loose all hope just now, because I will actually be posting stuff and keeping you guys updated on my Instagram page (link: instagram). Like post pictures of my outfits, which yes are very important. I’ve worked on them since I got the invitation. And tell you what is going on an post pics of the venues and of course the clothes there. And I know I sound like on of those internet people that are like “go do this, do that, subscribe to me, follow me”, but in all seriousness, I’d love to be able to tell you guys what’s going on and reach as much of you as I can.


So, there you have it. Actually, I just want to fully experience the next week, as much of it as I can. Because this is a huge thing for me, seriously. And I don’t know when I’ll be able to attend another Fashion Week again, so I want to enjoy it as much as I can. Just me and my camera. And a whole lot of other things that will be waiting there for me.


I really hope that you aren’t too mad at me, I’m really sorry. And I hope you still enjoyed this post. I’ll “see” you again next Friday. Thanks for being here. I wish you all an amazing weekend. And as always, thanks for reading. x


Ps: this is also my 100st post and I can’t believe it. This is so crazy. When I started this blog I didn’t know what would happen. Maybe I would stop enjoying this after like one month, but here we are, 100 postings later. I want to thank you guys for being here, reading my posts and giving me the chance to share all the things I love with the world. You are amazing. Thank you. And here’s to hundred more (and more and more and more and more…)

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