My favourite photographers

Hola everyone.

How are you all doing today? First of all, I want to apologize for not posting anything this Monday. I won’t tell you a big, long story of why I didn’t write anything, because, in the end, it all comes down to the fact that in the past few weeks, I haven’t really been that well, emotionally. Which then caused a massive lack of motivation, inspiration and creativity. So, that’s why I didn’t post anything. I just didn’t know what to write. But I’ve been trying to get better, crawl out of the hole I’m in – or was in, hopefully – and I’m sure just writing this now will help me with that. It’s always about getting back up again, right?


My friend always tells me that I live in extremes. When I’m happy, I’m basically the happiest person on earth. It’s like I’m wearing pink glasses. Everything feels like I’m in a dream and high up in the clouds, far away from any worries or stress. And frankly, it’s the best feeling ever. But I can fall just as steeply and massively once I get out of my clouds. Because when I’m sad, I’m really really sad. The kind of sad where I can just break out into tears at any point, whenever I feel like it. So, I’m either extremely happy or extremely sad. With me, there simply is no in-between. And right now, I’m trying my best to push myself off the ground, out of my hole of worries and angst, so I can get back up to my clouds, where I usually spent most of my life (thank god).


So, yeah, that’s kind of the project right now. Thankfully, my family and friends have been trying their best to help me as well and I’ve been directing my attention more and more to the prospect of attending Sziget festival in less than two weeks and then getting my new tattoo. I honestly cannot wait to finally get there again. To see Ed and Marty and Ty and Josh and all of these other super amazing bands and artists. For a whole freaking week. Can you believe that? I’m really going to a festival, for a whole week. Seven days of pure excitement and fantastic music. I can’t wait.


Okay, but now enough of that. My big life story isn’t why we are all here today. No, no. Today, we’ve come together to once again celebrate the amazingness that is photography and the awesome artists behind the lenses. Last time we had the phenomenal Brad Heaton (click me) and today will be all about the one and only Will Darbyshire. Some of you, who’ve been following my blog for a long while now, will probably recognize the name from some of my previous posts. Will has always been one of my biggest inspirations and idols when it comes to photography (I’d actually do quite lots of crazy stuff to get to his level of talent) and he just continues to blow me away with every single picture. So, here’s to Will and the heavens he creates.


As you can probably guess, Will is a super amazing filmmaker and photographer from London. He works online predominately, posting his pictures on his website and Instagram account and making videos on YouTube, which is also how I got to know him. Basically, his videos are nothing but a short holiday trip for the mind, without you having to even leave your house, and I fell in love with him and his talent the moment I saw his channel. I think, out of all his different videos, the one about his trip to New Zealand has to be my favourite one. I could watch it over and over again and I’d still love it to pieces. And I don’t think I have to add that it always makes me want to travel to NZ as well. I mean, just look at it. How dreamy does that place look? Oh my god.



But, obviously, Will’s talent doesn’t just show through his clips. I mean, he really is a fantastic filmmaker, but his photos. Just wow. Somehow he manages to make his pictures look both super minimalistic and chill and extremely sophisticated and luxurious. In short, he takes the pictures I want to take. I simply admire his aesthetic. But I’ll just let his photos do the talking now. Please enjoy.



Obviously, I can just recommend all of you guys to check Will out. For the bookworms among you, he also wrote a book a few years ago, where he collected letters from people from all across the globe. You can probably guess that it’s absolutely beautiful and totally worth to check it out. So, I can really recommend that. And, as always, please let me know your thoughts and I wish you all a nice week and thanks for reading. x